March 18, 2007

The Annual Dyeing of the Chicago River

Every year the Chcago River is dyed green in honor of the St. Patrick's Day. This year it turned green on Sat, Mar 17th at 10:45 a.m. and was best viewed from the upper level bridges at Michigan Avenue or Columbus Drive.
Happy St. Patrick's Day~
March 17是St. Patrick過世的日子, 也是Irish紀念St. Patrick的日子, 在Irlend這是國定假日, 但是在Irish-American為數眾多的Chicago, 這也變成了一個重要的節日, 從四十年前開始(1962), city pollution-control workers used dyes to trace illegal sewage discharges and realized that the green dye might provide a unique way to celebrate the holiday. That year, they released 100 pounds of green vegetable dye into the river—enough to keep it green for a week!
為了參與這一年一度的盛事, 我們早早就到了河邊佔了觀測的好位子, 工作人員會穿上連身的白衣, (很像米其林), 坐上小船, 一圈一圈的倒入染料, 很神奇的是, 染料看似紅色粉末, 遇水卻會變成亮綠色, 另外還有一艘小船, 來回的滑動, 似乎扮演著攪拌的功能, 十五分鐘之後, 河水就呈現了神奇的綠色...


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Locker said...


