February 17, 2013

[cooking]偷吃步懶人菜~蔭瓜雞湯 Super easy Chinese cuisine Oriental pickling melon chicken soup



材料: 愛之味 蔭瓜罐頭, 雞肉(部位不限), 薑片


2.水中加入薑片,雞肉,(香菇) 蔭瓜罐頭(依雞肉分量酌量約半罐到一罐),滾後續煮約10分鐘,完成

今天用雞背骨沒法拍美美的照片,如果喜歡按圖索驥的可以參考蔭瓜香菇雞湯- 娸娸的異想世界

重點來了,本人要試著寫成英文的....以便分享給我看不懂中文的鄰居(Megan...this is for you)

I am going to try to introduce some super easy Chinese cuisines in this blog. Hope someone will enjoy them.

First of all, I want to recommend a good brand for Chinese can food. It call 愛之味 AGV. It provides lots of "Pickles & Condiments" choices. Today's soup is going to use one of them.

Oriental pickling melon chicken soup (w/ mushroom)


1.AGV Oriental pickling melon in sauce,
2.chicken(drumsticks or wings or back bone,don't use chicken breast)
3.slices of ginger
4.(optional)mushroom(dry or fresh)

How to cook:

1.Use hot water to clean chicken
2.Put all the ingredients into your pot and add water
3.boil the water and cook 10 more minutes

It's done! Is it super easy? I do not have pretty pictures for the soup, you can check 蔭瓜香菇雞湯- 娸娸的異想世界 for more pictures.

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